What's different?


Staff member
Aug 17, 2023
We're obviously not the first forum/messageboard in town but we are a little different to everything else that's on offer!

Potters-Online uses the latest forum software (Xenforo) which means we have far more flexibility in the way things work and can offer a much better user experience than anywhere else, most are using free 3rd party options which don't always make things easy for users

We are privately hosted meaning we have much better server capabilities and we are fully secure with a private SSL.

There are no Google ads or takeover ads, no pop-ups and annoying banners, we may offer private ads in the future but we want the forum to be about the users and the football not making money, we are self-funded and don't need the revenue from the shit that's all over other sites.

Fully mobile-friendly and optimised, you can even install the forum as an app on your phone and desktop/laptop.

Just a few of the things that make P-O different, anything you'd like to see or think we can do better or to improve we are all ears :)